Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Blah blah blah blog

Well, after major cleaning, we survived the "white glove test" inspection of our apartment. I have, in large part, to thank my Mother- and Father-In-Law for coming over and helping us out by putting up new blinds and even window treatments. They look very pretty and are a small push to keep me moving in the right direction in terms of keeping the place looking nice.

So far, even though the inspection was almost two weeks ago, we have managed to keep the place relatively neat and tidy. Today I actually scrubbed the entire bathroom, paid rent, folded (some of the) laundry, got the kids on and off the bus, obtained a parking pass from our apt complex's office, and dealt with Nicky's major meltdowns. He must be going through a stage or something, because he is always crying when he gets off the bus. For the most part, he cries off and on for the rest of the night until he goes to sleep.

Our current issues are that we are in a major financial crunch. Due to some serious confusion on the part our merry-go-round of apartment management, we apparently owe an extra $386 by the end of May. Rent for this month has been taken care of, but we are behind on all of our other bills and Jesse's already taken out a payday loan. We need a budget that works for us. There is no reason we shouldn't be able to make ends meet. Right now my cell phone is turned off because we couldn't afford to pay the bill.

Something has got to give. Hopefully it won't be my sanity. Heh.

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